Hello Everyone, i really appreciate you taking the time to enter our latest competition, now this competition is all about getting more people to enter. The more you enter the more entries you get meaning the bigger chance to get to win! I have detailed some amazing tips and tricks to ensure you come our Number 1!
(if your still reading here your in the 1% who will actually read and take action so well done! You have an amazing chance)
- Using whatsapp to get more entries, the average person has over 100 contacts on whatsapp meaning, that once send to all can harvest you alot of entries.
- Using Facebook profile Did you know how nosey your friends are on facebook, by just sharing your link on your profile people will click and when they see they can win, they will enter! Giving you more entries!!
- Using Facebook Groups, how many of you belong to big groups on Facebook? Im talking about buy and sell groups, mum groups, discount groups, mutual interest groups. By putting just one post in some of these groups could get you a lot of clicks quickly!
So what are you waiting for! Get sharing that link around and we will send out updates throughout the process!